About Monique

Sepia-toned image of a woman sitting on a motorcycle. She has long wavy hair and is wearing a black dress.

Monique believes that art should be in everything you do.

A Renaissance woman: an artist, designer, writer, producer, visionary, contributing stylist, consultant, dancer, food designer, earth lover, and an “imaginist”.

A Chilean Mexican American, Monique combines both the artistic and logic parts of her mind toward her three ethos:

  1. Sustainability
  2. Art & Creativity
  3. Empowering Women & Children

She is the Protector: mother of 5, born on Earth Day, innately nurturing.
She is a Champion of children, women, nature, and the arts.
She is the Traveler: seeker of lands, people, cultures, traditions, & customs.
She finds beauty in all and the connections we share.

Monique wants to make the world a better place by bringing art into it.

She believes art is in everything you do, the way you live, work, love, eat, dress, travel & play. If you do things with “Arte”, then you do things passionately, genuinely, and authentic.

Do everything …

tagline: con mucho arte
Logo: M symbol created from brick-colored triangles


Revolt to Fast Fashion

London Fashion Week

Trailer For Spanish Day


San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce

Finalist in innovation Product or Service, Micro Business

Siren Skirts — June 2014


Finalist Fashion Designer

Siren Skirts — London 2013

New York Fashion Week

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Siren Skirts — New York 2013